Chapter 887 President Jim Lary’s 4th of July Message 2021

Happy Independence Day
Happy Independence Day

Today, 4 July 2021, we celebrate The United States of America’s 245th Independence Day.

I was honored to represent this chapter at the United States Embassy’s commemoration of this year’s Independence Day and the 75th anniversary of the American and Philippine friendship.  While the event was downsized and short, it was an indication that life is beginning to return to normal from the effects of the Corona virus COVID-19 pandemic.

We Vietnam veterans did our DUTY with HONOR and COMMITMENT just as those who fought for our independence those many years ago and those in the following years.  As has been stated, if it were not for the U.S. military there would be no United States of America.  We can be proud of our service and the efforts we played to keep America free and to help bring peace to this world, not only in Vietnam but in all the humanitarian operations we were involved in and supported.  The U.S. military not only performs during war and conflicts, but we excel in many other endeavors.  YES we are (and should) be proud.

Remember those who have gone before us and respect those who are still here.  We all bleed red.  Remember those families who gave their all through their sacrifices.  May God protect us, our families and the United States of America.


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