Chapter Officer Election for 2023-2024

Special Election

Our Chapter Officer Election for 2023-2024 was held at our meeting last Tuesday, April 4th. Installation of Officers was performed immediately following the meeting with Secretary Ray Jones swearing in the new officers. Ray was then sworn in by President Jim Lary. Here is the list of new Chapter Officers:

1. Chapter President – Jim Lary

2. Vice President – John Sullivan

3. Treasurer – Britt Stevens

4. Secretary – Ray Jones

5. Board of Directors (2 year term) – Larry Baker and Gary Jones

Board of Directors (1 year term) – Larry Wade and Rhett Webber

6. Chaplain – John Gordy (Appointed)

7. Sergeant-at-Arms – Pete Silvernale (Appointed)

8. Veterans Service Officer – Rhett Webber (Appointed)

9. Sundry Sales – Larry Wade (Appointed)

Congrats to all!

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