Congressman Dusty Johnson honors Vietnam veterans in Rapid City

Vietnam Veterans Honored

Rapid City, S.D. — When the 2 decade long Vietnam War ended in 1975, it was a time of great division and turmoil in the country.

Many veterans returned home, only to go unrecognized and unsupported. To thank them for their service, Congressman Dusty Johnson met to honor a group of vets with commemorative pins at Rapid City’s Founders Park. Johnson says the country did not do a good job of thanking or welcoming veterans, but that it’s never too late to do the right thing.

Two of the day’s honorees were the Steever brothers, Jerry and Ken, younger brothers to 2 Korean War veterans. While they didn’t serve together, they’re ecstatic to have been honored together.

“I’m very honored, to come here today, and have Dusty, congressman I should say, Johnson, do this for us. It’s awesome,” said Jerry. 

“I thought, okay, I don’t know if Jerry knows about it or not, but I‘m gonna put him in for it. And then it’s up to him whether he goes or not. And he enjoyed it very much, he was happy that I did, and I felt really good about that. So then, he thought, well I‘m gonna turn this around and get you there too. So he did, and that was fantastic. So I appreciate it.”

Johnson will continue to honor Vietnam veterans, and asks anyone who knows a Vietnam veteran to reach out to one of his offices.

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