Controlled Substance Meds AVAILABLE in Angeles

Retired Acivities Office-Subince Bay RD
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Thank you Ron Santos—As a lot of you already know effective October 1, 2022, VA Manila will no longer prescribe or dispense controlled substance pain medications to Veterans in the Philippines. I just wanted to let you know about an “cashless” option that is available at Sacred Heart Hospital in Angeles City for vets who fall under the Foreign Medical Program for service-connected disabilities. Sacred Heart Hospital is opening up a Pain Management Clinic for US VETS, under the supervision of their Pain Specialist Dr. Henry Ho.

They have the ability to dispense or provide the prescribed pain meds and other maintenance meds needed by our vets as long as they are used for service-connected conditions. Sacred Heart Medical Center strictly follows a “no cash out” policy for hospital bills and professional fees as long as the services availed are “service connected”. Other hospitals who offer these services may charge the veterans “instant cash payments” rather than the hospital applying through the FMP for reimbursement.

In order to avail of the pain medication services at Sacred Heart all you need to bring is your Benefits Authorization which shows all your service-connected disabilities. Sacred Heart is accredited by FMP. If this is of any interest to you, please contact Dr. Neenia Tan at 0919 067 7671 or you can shoot a message to her by searching her FB page, @NeeniaTanMD To gister for FMP see below.  

You can fax/email or mail to get your Benefits Authorization letter.

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