First-Ever Agent Orange Awareness Day

First-Ever Agent Orange Awareness Day

Today is our first-ever Agent Orange Awareness Day. August 10, 1961 is thought to be the first day that the herbicide, known as Agent Orange, was sprayed in Vietnam. Operation Ranch Hand – involving the widespread use of the defoliant – began five months later.

The Vietnam War may be over, but the battle continues for many Vietnam veterans. Nearly three million service members served in Vietnam and most returned home. But since then, thousands of Vietnam veterans have fought illnesses related to Agent Orange exposure. This deadly toxin has impacted the lives of thousands of veterans and their families, but is largely unknown to most Americans.

Join us as we “bring light” to the suffering Agent Orange has spread since its first use on August 10th, 1961. Share this graphic to help spread the word! Tonight, we will illuminate the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site in orange candlelight. Learn how to get involved with VVMF here:

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