FPO Terminates 08-23-2022

We need to flood Chairman Takano’s email with as many emails as we can to get this action reversed ASAP!


Received email today from Mark Frease, Commander, American Legion Department of the Philippines, along with the House of Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman’s Government email address so Veterans can express their concerns over our FPO mail being terminated. (NOTE: Received word that all FPO Mail service to Overseas veterans will cease effective Aug 23, 2022).

His message:

From Mark Frease American Legion Department of the Philippines, Commander:

Here is the POC to send emails to for trying to get the loss of FPO Postal services stopped.

The more Veterans that email the better!

I ask you give it out to your to Post members to email him!

Chairman Takano from the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s email address is: hvac.majority@mail.house.gov.

You can also contact the Committee on-line at:


Thanks again.



Sgt Michael R. Hilbert, USMC, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter PI 887 is a veterans service organization located in Angeles City, Philippines.

The motto of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is โ€œNever again will one generation of veterans abandon anotherโ€œ. The VVA is a congressionally chartered national organization that serves Vietnam-era veterans and their families. The organization was founded in Washington, D.C. in January 1978 by 15 Vietnam veteran advocates. The VVA has been a leader in advocating for the U.S. government to fulfill its obligations to veterans.



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