Harder, Veterans Groups Launch Final Effort to Secure Support for Vietnam Veterans Left Behind by VA

U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. House of Representatives

WASHINGTON – This week, Representative Josh Harder (CA-10) and the largest veterans groups in the United States announced a final effort to secure coverage for Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange but who are unable to access support from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Legislation based on a bill Rep. Harder introduced was included in the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), but to become law it must be included in final negotiations. Rep. Harder is leading a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers in the House to demand the negotiators retain the provision which will expand benefits through a letter. Outside veterans group are launching their own effort to encourage their membership to contact members of Congress to encourage them to sign on to the push.

“Everyone talks a big game on supporting veterans, but both parties have failed to resolve this problem for decades,” said Rep. Harder. “These heroes already rendered their services to the American people – and now it’s our turn to hold up our end of the deal. Veterans who served and got sick as a result deserve support. That’s what’s at stake here.”

Vietnam Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and have certain medical conditions get access to benefits and support through the VA. However, veterans with bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, and Parkinson’s-like symptoms are not included– despite comprehensive medical evidence linking these conditions to Agent Orange exposure.

Earlier this year, Rep. Harder introduced The Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans Actwhich would ensure Vietnam Veterans with those three conditions get access to the benefits through the VA. The bill passed as an amendment to the Senate version of the annual must-pass NDAA, known as the “Defense Bill.” To become law, the amendment must now be included in the final version of the legislation.

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