More info on FPO Discontinuance

FPO Terminates 08-23-2022

More info on FPO Discontinuance ***** We just confirmed today with the IMCOM Pacific Postal Office that based on newly published DoDI 4525.09, Military Postal Service, that retirees, widows, Red Cross, and others will be losing their overseas mail privileges on 24 August 2022. This was an Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) unilateral decision.

The impact this will have on the non-SOFA military retiree and widow population is enormous. Some Government mail and checks cannot be mailed to foreign addresses. TRICARE medication received in the mail will not be received. Absentee ballots cannot be mailed, and so forth.

We are asking everyone to contact their elected officials and the House Veterans Affairs Committee (HVAC) to voice your displeasure and concern.

– If you do not know your US address, it is your last known address you used in the US before coming to Korea.

– To contact your senators, go to In the drop-down box choose your state. Under the picture of your senator click on “Contact” and you will be taken to a fill in the blank page to send a message. You will need to do this for each of your senators.

– To contact your congressperson, go to…/find-your-representative. Enter your home of record zip code and click on the “envelope” link under their picture. You will be taken to a screen to enter your US address. Follow the instructions and you will be taken to a fill in the blank page to send a message.

– To contact the House Veterans Affairs Committee (HVAC), go to Click on the “Contact Us” box and you will be taken to a fill in the blank page to send a message.

Other ways to make contact is through FB, and Twitter. I have found an email to send msg’s to the Secretary of Defense, who holds a big part in this decision. Please flood all of their contact venues with letters and messages, and even phone calls, this is that important!!!!!!

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