Taal volcano Natural Disaster

Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123
United States Embassy Manila, Philippines

Natural Disaster Alert – Taal Volcano at Alert Level 2

April 11, 2022

Location:  Vicinity of Taal Volcano Island and High-Risk Barangays Around Taal Lake

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) has lowered Taal Volcano’s status to Alert Level 2.

Following the phreatomagmatic eruption of the Main Crater on 26 March 2022 and six (6) weak phreatomagmatic bursts until 31 March 2022, unrest at Taal Volcano has markedly declined.

PHIVOLCS is lowering the alert status of Taal Volcano to reflect the overall decreasing trend in the level of monitored parameters. Alert Level 2 means that there is decreased unrest but should not be interpreted that unrest has ceased or that the threat of an eruption has disappeared. Should an uptrend or pronounced change in monitored parameters occur, the Alert Level may be raised back to 3.

Actions to Take:

-Exercise extreme caution if you live within the affected areas, especially in the barangays surrounding Taal Lake.

-Maintain active awareness of local conditions and refrain from entering the PDZ and high-risk barangays.

-Monitor local media and the PHIVOLCS website for updates.


-U.S. Embassy in the Philippines: +63(2) 5301-2000 or ACSInfoManila@state.gov
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888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444
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Sgt Michael R. Hilbert, USMC, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter PI 887 is a veterans service organization located in Angeles City, Philippines.

The motto of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another“. The VVA is a congressionally chartered national organization that serves Vietnam-era veterans and their families. The organization was founded in Washington, D.C. in January 1978 by 15 Vietnam veteran advocates. The VVA has been a leader in advocating for the U.S. government to fulfill its obligations to veterans.



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