Remember the Reason for the Season

VVA President's Message Banner

Chapter 887 President’s Christmas Message:


25 December – we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in the city of Bethlehem. God sent Angels to announce the birth of his only begotten son, but he did not send the Angels to inform the rich, the powerful, the political hierarchy, or kings, but to the lowly shepherds who were tending their flocks.  A son who was destined to die to save us from our sins so we may have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven, and all we have to do is welcome Jesus Christ into our hearts.

As we give gifts to our loved ones and friends, please remember the greatest gift of all – the love of a forgiving God and his son Jesus.

We, as Vietnam veterans have a special bond that few have and most of us cherish that bond. The Bible (the most read book, the highest selling book in recorded history states (paraphrasing) that “blessed are the peacekeepers for they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven”. We are peacekeepers.  Accept Jesus into your heart.

I wish all of you and yours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS – A BLESSED CHRISTMAS!  In all you do to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, just remember that Jesus is the REASON FOR THE SEASON. GOD BLESS.


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