Health Alert: Quarantine Update, June 1-30, 2021
Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123 · Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123United States Embassy Manila, PhilippinesUnited States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines June 1, 2021 Health Alert: Quarantine Update, June 1-30, 2021Below are the current quarantine classifications according to the Philippine government: Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) through June 15, 2021: Luzon –…
Health Alert: Hotel-Based Quarantine Period Extended for Arriving Passengers 05/10/2021
Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123United States Embassy Manila, Philippines United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines May 10, 2021 Effective until further notice, arriving passengers must spend the first 10 days of the mandatory 14-day quarantine period in a certified quarantine hotel. You must have a confirmed booking at one of these hotels in advance…
Health Alert: Cancellation of Notarial Appointments Scheduled in May
GREETINGS FROM THE USAF RAO, ANGELES CITY….. FOR YOUR INFO… SEE E-MAIL BELOW…. HAVE A TEXAS DAY JIM BOYD Jim Boyd FOUNDATION USAF RAO DIRECTOR U.S. EMBASSY LIAISON (CLV) IRS CERTIFYING AGENT Tel: (63 45) 888 2748/625 5522 (Emergency TEXT ONLY) 639163058338 Office Hours: 0930-1330 (Mon-Fri) Website: https://1925mcarthur.wixsite.com/raoangeles 1925 Mc Arthur Highway, Balibago Angeles City.…
Health Alert: ECQ extended for NCR and neighboring areas – 04/04/21
Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123 United States Embassy Manila, Philippines United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines  April 4, 2021 Metro Manila, Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite and Laguna will remain under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) through Sunday, April 11.  Actions to Take: *Monitor the Philippine Department of Health website and the Embassy’s COVID-19 webpage for…
Health Alert: NCR and neighboring areas to be placed under ECQ 03/27/2021
Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123 United States Embassy Manila, Philippines United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines  March 27, 2021 Health Alert: NCR and neighboring areas to be placed under ECQ Metro Manila, Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite and Laguna will be placed under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) starting midnight on Monday, March 29 through Sunday,…
Health Alert: Temporary Ban on Entry of Travelers from the United States Extended through January 31, 2021
United States Embassy Manila, Philippines United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines January 15, 2021 Health Alert: Temporary Ban on Entry of Travelers from the United States Extended through January 31, 2021 The Philippine government has extended the temporary ban on the entry of travelers from, or who have transited through, the United States and several…
Health Alert: Updated Requirements for Travel to the United States – 01/13/21
Allen “Pop” Reeves American Legion Post 123 United States Embassy Manila, Philippines United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines January 13, 2021 Health Alert: Updated Requirements for Travel to the United States Effective January 26, 2021, all air passengers traveling to the United States from a foreign country, including U.S. citizens, must present either proof of…
HEALTH ALERT for U.S. Citizens: Temporary Bar on Entry of Travelers from the United States
https://ph.usembassy.gov/health-alert-u-s-embassy-manila…/ Starting Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the Philippines will temporarily ban the entry of travelers from, or who have transited through, the United States. Passengers arriving from the United States or who have transited through the United States who arrive before January 3 should be allowed to enter the Philippines, but will…
Health Alert for U.S. Citizens in the Philippines: Bar on Entry of Travelers from the United States – January 01, 2021
Starting Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the Philippines will temporarily ban the entry of travelers from, or who have transited through, the United States. Passengers coming from the United States or who have transited through the United States who arrive before Sunday should be allowed to enter the Philippines, but will be required…
Health Alert for U.S. Citizens in the Philippines: Updated Travel – December 29, 2020
United States Embassy Manila, Philippines United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines December 29, 2020 Health Alert for U.S. Citizens in the Philippines: Updated Travel Information Related to the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic Through January 15, 2021, the Philippine government has suspended all flights from the United Kingdom and will bar entry to travelers originating or transiting…
Sgt Michael R. Hilbert, USMC, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter PI 887 is a veterans service organization located in Angeles City, Philippines.
The motto of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another“. The VVA is a congressionally chartered national organization that serves Vietnam-era veterans and their families. The organization was founded in Washington, D.C. in January 1978 by 15 Vietnam veteran advocates. The VVA has been a leader in advocating for the U.S. government to fulfill its obligations to veterans.
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