VVA Chapter PI 887 President’s Report #20

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1.  No change in quarantine status for us as of this posting.  Philippine President Duterte has extended partial restrictions for the Manila area until 30 September 2020 due to increased cases of COVID-19.  Please remain vigilant for any changes in the areas you live and the areas which you wish to travel.

2.  If your vehicle is one of the models that uses key less entry device and you must be within a certain distance for it to work, please DO NOT leave the device in your vehicle when you exit the vehicle.  Thieves have devised a way to determine if your device is in the vehicle.  The thieves then just start your vehicle and drive off.

3.  Military retirees and dependents will be getting an all new card system – the Next Generation Uniform Services Identification Card.  DOD says the new ID cards will be more durable and more closely resemble the Common Access Card (CAC) used by active duty military and DOD civilians.

4.  We are able to travel more freely at the present time, but the are still remnants of checkpoints that are still being manned or could be fully manned in a very short period of time.  Just be aware.  Masks and face shields are required in all areas and businesses.  NOT an option.

5. General Membership Meeting, Tuesday, September 1st, 2 PM in the A.L. Post 123’s Outdoor Pavilion. Hope to see you there!

Prayerfully, we are on the downward end of this COVID-19. 



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